Enjoy our new website!
The Knoxville Writers’ Guild has a new website! We hope you will visit often and enjoy it. Designed to be user-friendly for news-hungry writers, it will be a good way…
The Knoxville Writers’ Guild has a new website! We hope you will visit often and enjoy it. Designed to be user-friendly for news-hungry writers, it will be a good way…
The Knoxville Writers’ Guild is pleased to introduce David Neil Drews, its new publicist and web content coordinator. Filmmaking, fiction writing and marketing for musicians and concerts are among his…
Overall, this year’s contest was exceptionally successful. We saw an total increase in submissions this year from 112 entries last year to 139 entries this year. The Young Writers category saw tremendous interest this year up from six entries last year to 37 entries this year! We saw the next biggest increase of entries in the Poetry category from 22 entries last year to 42 this year. (more…)