July 11th Event

Open Mic

Contact Bob Beasley at bobbeasley@charter.net to register!

The Knoxville Writers’ Guild is a non-profit organization offering skill-building opportunities such as monthly public programs, workshops, writing groups, open mic, and networking.

Our public meetings are usually on the first Thursday of every month, at 7 p.m., in Addison’s Book Store, 126 S. Gay Street, Knoxville. $5 donation requested.

Members login here

Upcoming Events

Private Fiction Coaching Sessions with Elizabeth Genovise

Get personal feedback on your writing in one of our most popular events! Find out more here!

Re/View Summer 2024

The new volume of Re/View, the Knoxville Writers' Guild zine, is out! You can read it here!

What people have had to say about our programming

"Impressive. Such deep conversations in just 10 minutes."
Harrison Young Workshop
“Elizabeth was great. Incisive but supportive, and very skilled at leading discussions. It was also very useful getting feedback from several other writers with very different perspectives. Definitely worth the investment of time and money.”
Elizabeth Genovise Workshop
"Very professional. Really appreciated all that you shared, not just about editing, but about writing in general, story structure and the industry. Please do more."

Victoria Griffin Workshop