Last week, I conducted a short interview with Laura Still to gain her perspective on this weekend’s workshop and writing workshops in general:
DND: As a writer why do you attend workshops led by other writers?
LS: I attend workshops led by other writers because I am always trying to learn and improve my writing skills, plus I find inspiration in hearing other writers talk about their work and their creative process.
DND: What are two skills or concepts you hope your participants gain from your workshop?
LS: I want writers to leave my workshop understanding the importance of storytelling in every genre, how it connects us to our audience, and feel confident they can develop their ability to tell their stories and captivate any audience, large or small.
DND: Why are these important to writers?
LS: Sharing our stories aloud is satisfying on a personal level, but it also allows us to market ourselves to readers, publishers, and booksellers. Most publishers expect writers to be able to self-promote and in the fast pace of today’s publishing, it is important to present yourself and your work with poise and confidence.
DND: What do you get out of conducting a workshop?
LS: Conducting a workshop always gives back more than you put into it. You connect with new writers, you lift others up, and you get to see that spark of inspiration kindling in someone else’s eyes, and know you’ve started something that might just set the world on fire.
A Knoxville Writers Guild Workshop:
Catching Fire: The Art of Telling Your Stories Aloud
Saturday, August 19, 10 am to noon.
Central United Methodist Church
201 Third Avenue, Knoxville.
Register here:
Interested in a scholarship to Laura’s workshop? Contact Pamela Schoenewaldt at