Looking for some tech to organize your notes and thoughts? The New York Times recently listed some favorite mobile apps for the writing life.
• Storyist is a full-featured writing app that provides easy formatting for manuscripts, screenplays, and novels. It can also help you keep and organize notes about characters, plot points, and scene settings. The interface of the $15, iOS-only app “takes some getting used to,” but the app “saves documents seamlessly to the cloud.”
• iA Writer uses a simpler interface and its look mimics that of an old typewriter, right down to the fonts. The cleverest feature is a mode that fades out all surrounding text besides the line or paragraph you’re working on. (Free for Android, $5 for iOS)
• OmmWriter is a writing app that encourages creativity by using relaxing images and soothing music to create a Zen-like mood. (For iPads only, $5)
• Monospace is an Android app is a minimal writing and notes app with a particularly clear and elegant design. It’s also free and easy to use.
Source: The New York Times reprinted in The Week Magazine.
Submitted by Jeannette Brown