Knoxville Youth Poet Laureate 2025

Submit your work for a chance to become Knoxville’s official Youth Poet Laureate!

April 10th Program

Join us on April 10, 2025, at 7 PM at Addison’s Bookstore for an unforgettable evening of poetry and spoken word. Hosted by the multi-talented Drew Drake, this event will showcase the vibrant voices of youth poets and spoken word artists from across the city.

The Knoxville Writers’ Guild is a non-profit organization offering skill-building opportunities such as monthly public programs, workshops, writing groups, open mic, and networking.

Our public meetings are usually on the first Thursday of every month, at 7 p.m., in Addison’s Book Store, 126 S. Gay Street, Knoxville. $5 donation requested.

Members login here

Upcoming Events

Art in Words: A Visual Artist's Journey through Nature and Storytelling​

Join Suzanne Stryk as she shares her experience writing from the perspective of a visual artist in her book The Middle of Somewhere: An Artist Explores the Nature of Virginia

Transforming Trauma

Learn to use writing as a way to work through and understand painful experiences, led by Caroline Malone!

What people have had to say about our programming

"Impressive. Such deep conversations in just 10 minutes."
Harrison Young Workshop
“Elizabeth was great. Incisive but supportive, and very skilled at leading discussions. It was also very useful getting feedback from several other writers with very different perspectives. Definitely worth the investment of time and money.”
Elizabeth Genovise Workshop
"Very professional. Really appreciated all that you shared, not just about editing, but about writing in general, story structure and the industry. Please do more."

Victoria Griffin Workshop